Youth Ministry
For more information about Youth Ministry in MUP,
contact Audra West, audraw@fpccolumbia.org.

2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium
For information on MUP’s journey to the 2025 Youth Triennium in Louisville, KY, click here for details or contact Audra West at audraw@fpccolumbia.org
The Importance of Summer Camp
Recently, I was privileged to serve as co-director at church camp. Our Presbytery partners with the Christian Church of MidAmerica in offering summer camps to children who have completed PreK through those who have just graduated high school. This summer’s theme, Linked by Love, provided a rich text to build our summer camp experience around and I enjoyed planning activities for campers. Being at camp as they experienced the planned activities was a blessing.
We know that love comes from God, and sometimes we experience it directly. More often, God’s love is manifest in relationships of all kinds that weave in and out of our lives. We see God’s love in close friends and family – those we are born into and those we chose along the way. We see God in quiet moments where we are present with each other and in acts of profound grace when we have been far apart. We hear God in life guiding and life changing words of truth from those who know and love us. We know that such love links our lives, teaching us about commitment, grace, and faith. As we seek to create and strengthen life giving relationships, we remember that such love flows from God and links us all together.
Since I began in a leadership position at our camps in 2021, I've heard from many families that the decision to send their children and youth to camp really comes down to whether they can fit it into their schedules. I understand this reality, but I can say from my personal experience that camps, especially faith-based camps, should be part of a family’s summer plans.

Camp offers structured opportunities for participants to grow. It seems many kids go from home to school to extracurriculars and don’t have downtime. I know each of these activities contribute to development, but summer camp offers a unique venue for growth, allowing kids to become more self-confident, make new friends, and learn new skills. Church camp has all the previously listed benefits, but also surrounds our children and youth with others of their age who want to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. Our church camp, held in Clarence, Missouri is a beautiful place that brings campers daily opportunities to learn about God, have fun, be adventurous, enjoy the outdoors, and build friendships while being surrounded by safe and loving adults.
Students often attend school year after year with the same peers, which can lead to labeling and being 'stuck' with a particular perception. A child may become known as studious, lazy, quiet, etc., when, really, they can be boisterous and full of energy in another setting. Children who go to camps meet a totally new group of people in a different environment. Often, a child will break out of their supposed categorization if given the chance.
It is important to talk to young people returning from summer camp. When other adults take time to talk with them it will make a difference! Our children and youth need you to make the time!
Audra West