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The File Cabinet

Presbytery Committees



Committee on Preparation for Ministry


PCUSA CPM Advisory Handbook

CRE Manual


Addressing Seminary Indebtedness

Committee on Representation


What does this committee do?

The Committee on Representation shall function in an advisory and advocacy role helping to ensure balanced representation on Presbytery and Council committees.


The Nominating Committee is responsible for recommending persons to serve on Presbytery Committees.  These nominated individuals are then subject to approval by a vote at the Presbytery meeting by the commissioners from each congregation.  They nominate persons to serve on the following committees:  Presbytery Council, Camp and Outdoor Ministries Committee, Commissioned Lay Pastors Committee,  Spiritual Formation, Committee on Ministry, Preparation of Ministry, Permanent Judicial Commission,  Representation, Sexual Misconduct Investigative,  Sexual Misconduct Allegation Response.  The Nominating Committee also nominates the four at-large members of the mission team, the Vice Moderator of the Presbytery and the Delegates to General Assembly.

The Nominating Committee is always eager to know of persons who are interested in serving on Presbytery Committees.  If you are interested in serving on Presbytery Committee or know someone who would be a good person to serve on a Committee, please let the Nominating Committee know.

Thanks for submitting!

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