The File Cabinet
Presbytery Council


Missouri Union Presbytery supports 4 campus ministries within the Presbytery boundaries.
Columbia -UKIRK Ministries Preston Turley is the contact person at the campus ministry based at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia at 16 Hitt St
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Kirksville – Presbyterian College Fellowship – Michael McCormack is the contact person at the campus ministry based at First Presbyterian Church in Kirksville at 201 S. High St.
Marshall – Missouri Valley – Pam Sebastian is the Chaplain.
Fulton-Westminster – Kiva Nice-Webb is the Chaplain and Director of the Center for Faith and Service at Westminster College.
Get Connected!
We Want Your College Students
If any of your High School graduates are getting ready to attend college in Columbia, Kirksville, Fulton or Marshall, we want to know! Just give us their name, email address and home church information and we’ll take care of the rest. A campus minister in their college town will contact them and help them ease into the adjustment of college life and connect with other Christians students interested in continuing their faith journey. Just click on the name of the city in which your students will be attending college and fill out the form!
Services held at First Presbyterian Center, Columbia, MO at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Mailing Address:
611 Banks Ave.
Columbia, MO 65203
Rev. Gisonga “Aaron” Ruvugwa
Read articles below:
Agape African Fellowship gives refugees a place to call home

Missouri Union Presbytery Disaster Assistance Team has responded compassionately to many different disasters over the years; Flooding and tornadoes, hurricanes, house fires, you name it, MUP-DAT has provided teams and monetary support to affected areas.
In 1984 Missouri Union Presbytery entered into a covenant relationship with the Hungarian Reformed Church. During these past 24 years God has provided many opportunities for mission and growth—in both Christian friendship and our common Reformed Faith, as together, we follow Christ to build up God’s kingdom on earth. In the early years, efforts were concentrated on reopening the seminary at Saraspatak, which was founded in 1531 but had been closed during almost 50 years of Communist oppression. The Saraspatak Academy now includes a primary school, a high school, and a seminary. In addition, Missouri Union has a partnership with the Hungarian Reformed church district in Ukraine. In more recent years, much of the mission support has been a joint outreach ministry to the desperately poor church in Ukraine and Roma (Gypsy) communities. During 2008, Missouri Union and individual churches sent over $22,000 to support ministry in Ukraine, Romania, and Hungary.