The File Cabinet
CE, Youth, CRE
Curriculum Books and other materials:
Theocademy develops faith formation materials for Presbyterians through high-quality video series and study guides. Explore our curriculum for your New Members classes, training programs for Ruling Elders and Deacons, and Confirmation. Theocademy website.
Four FREE Courses for teachers, Volunteers, new members and educators from a Presbyterian/Reformed Perspective.
Congregational Ministries Publishing
Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Free Downloads and Ministry Ideas
Searchable Libraries:
Princeton Theological Seminary's Free Searchable Digital Library
Christian Education Basics, Best Practices, and Assistance:
Theological Education:
Christian Educator Certification and Vocational Support:
The Commissioned Ruling Elder (formerly referred to as Commissioned Lay Pastor) is an extension of the rich Presbyterian heritage of educated clergy and leadership. By definition in the Book of Order: “The commissioned ruling elder is an elder of the Presbyterian Church (USA), who is granted a local commission by the presbytery to lead worship and preach the gospel, watch over the people, and provide for their nurture and service. This commission is valid only in one or more congregations, new church developments, or other validated ministries of the presbytery designated by the presbytery. Such an elder is selected by and receives training by the presbytery.
Application Instructions:
It is expected that the candidate for commissioning will have been an active member of the local church, which will be endorsing the candidate, for a period of not less than three years, and will have been on active service as an elder for at least one year previous to making an application.
Enrollment Forms within the Manual can be filled out on the computer, printed out and then sent manually to the Missouri Union Presbytery office at 3236 Emerald Lane, Suite 500, Jefferson City, MO 65109. You may also print out the form and fill completely with pen and then send it to the above address. The following forms will need to be submitted:
1. Application Form to CRE program
2. Session Endorsement Form
3. Pastor/Moderator Endorsement Form
4. Three Personal Reference Forms
For complete information, please refer to page 3 of the CLP (CRE) manual above.