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Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources for Congregations and Members from the PC(USA), including documents regarding legislation from PC(USA) lawyers



Centers for Disease Control Coronavirus/COVID-19 Website



COVID-19 Resource Report #1 from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance



Resources and information from the Board of Pensions



Live Stream Worship from Missouri Union Churches


The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) invites you to view and share a 37-minute, standalone Easter worship service, so that we might come together in virtual community on this holiest of days. This worship service is available in English, Español, and 스페인의.


First Presbyterian Church, Columbia

Facebook -

YouTube Channel -


Trinity Presbyterian Church, Columbia

First Presbyterian Church, Jefferson City

First Presbyterian Church, Kirksville

First Presbyterian Church, Mexico

Resources and Programs

Extensive Resources Available at Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery Website:


An exhaustive list of resources from PCUSA General Council Mike Kirk: CLICK HERE

A Pastoral Letter

From the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly and President/Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency - CLICK HERE

Stated Clerk Urges Presbyterian Church to Close on Sunday - CLICK HERE

A Guide for Families by two Christian Educators - CLICK HERE

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Pandemic Preparedness Guide

News Release: CLICK HERE

Download the Resource Guide in English: CLICK HERE

Descargue la guía de recursos en español: Haga clic aquí

영어로 된 자료 안내서를 다운로드하십시오 : 여기를 클릭하십시오

Live Streaming Guidelines and Resources

From the Presbyterian Mission Agency - CLICK HERE

Resources for online giving from the Presbyterian Foundation

Introduction to the program: CLICK HERE

Application for the program: CLICK HERE

Sample Home Bulletin for Sunday worship in homes: CLICK HERE


Pastoral Letter from General Presbyter/Stated Clerk

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Dear Friends in Christ,


We are living in challenging times and need to create new, adaptive ways to be in community as the church.  Pastors and sessions in our presbytery are experimenting with all kinds of ways to maintain connection. Some are learning how to “live-stream” worship – now conducted on Sunday morning from an empty sanctuary except for ministry staff and perhaps a musician. Some are pre-recording a sermon, or thoughts upon Scripture and posting them to Facebook to watch “on demand.” Some are posting written reflections and sending them out through email. Others are adding weekly phone conference call check-ins with the congregation or developing care phone chains. Some members with the gift of compassion are sending cards regularly to vulnerable members. Some congregations are planning drive-by communion on Maundy Thursday and others are planning to hold Easter services in their parking lots, with members staying in their cars. These are but a few of the innovative options for worship and ministry that I have heard. For creative worship options, stay tuned! This page will be updated regularly as we become aware of new resources.


In regard to Presbytery activities, the Presbytery Council is advising that committees and group gatherings be held via video conference (such as Zoom, Skype, etc.) or conference call as long a social distancing is being advised by the CDC. If you would like to utilize the Presbytery’s Zoom account or conference call line, please contact the Presbytery office at 573-635-9221 or me by email at


Please stay up to date on the latest guidance from the CDC regarding the coronavirus, as you make either personal or church plans. We want everyone to stay safe and healthy!


Let us also be in prayer for health care professionals and government leaders working tirelessly to find ways to minimize the impact of this virus on our communities. Let us be in prayer for those around the world and in the United States who have already been diagnosed with the virus.


Remember at all times and in all places, “God is our refuge and strength” (Psalm 46:1). God is with us and will sustain us through even these uncertain times. 


Grace and peace,

Rev. Dr. Deborah Boucher-Payne

General Presbyter/Stated Clerk

Online Easter Service Being Planned by PC(USA) Office

Online Easter Service Being Planned by PC(USA) Office

An online Easter service from the chapel of 100 Witherspoon in Louisville is being planned for those of you who would like to be part of a national experience. Easter is a new way of life — in which we are “dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 6:11) and called to “walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). There is much new happening in the world around us. We pray for God’s comfort and grace as we walk forward together during these uncertain times.

Links to that worship will be made available soon,.


Worship Resources from Worship Design Studio


I know you are in the midst of deciding about whether you will gather for worship on Sunday. Some of you have already made the decision to cancel your in-person services. But as my friend and WDS guest expert, Penny Nixon, says, you are not canceling “church,” you are canceling your service. The church is the people and there are many ways to gather and stay connected as “church” even if the precautions we must take in this time of pandemic keep us at a social distance.

Yesterday I decided to do a Facebook Live video on... well... doing Facebook Live (or YouTube or whatever live-streaming option you choose). I wanted to show you some ways to offer your folks the content of worship in a meaningful way that is still sensory-rich. You can see the video on the Worship Design Studio Facebook page: CLICK HERE

or on our YouTube channel CLICK HERE. I hope it will give you some ideas about how you might create an authentic connection with folks and still continue the Lent journey already begun.    

For those of you who are doing one of my series, please know that you have permission to use any of the original materials, including the theme song, in live-streaming. Please add this description somewhere in the comments or worship notes: "Worship series adapted from [name of series] ©"

Having worship scripts done could offer you some real relief and content for your live-stream (whether you do that from the sanctuary or from home), and/or sending out the scripts themselves to church members. The small group or individual reflection pages are also great ways of encouraging people to continue the journey by sending materials in e-mails or having phone conference calls or Zoom meetings for small groups. Here is a great example: CLICK HERE  of what WDS member church Claremont UMC is offering to help folks stay connected. They are doing the "Entering the Passion of Jesus" series.

I believe it is well worth the effort to figure out ways to let technology help us stay connected. Besides the health risks, this pandemic will create many other anxiety-producing effects such as economic struggle and isolation. We can do what we do best in this situation - continue to bring the strength of prayer and connection to the Holy One who is always with us and foster a sense of community and connection that also offers the strength we need. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any other way I can be of help to you. And if you are not already active on our social media, especially our Facebook groups, please “congregate” there so we can be in touch to support and create and share ideas with each other. 

Worship Design Studio FB page <
"Entering the Passion" FB page <
"Roll Down Justice" FB page <
"Listen" FB page <
"Busy" FB page <
"Gifts of the Dark Wood" FB page <

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